
French girl lost in this lovely city

  • Poolexpert
  • 2 years ago
  • 1 1

Recently arrived here from Paris, I am looking to meeting new friends and maybe more ;).

I enjoy…

City life and nature wonderland High-end brands and thrift store finds Full makeup and makeup-free Michelin starred restaurants and food trucks Clean eating and cheat days All-night-out weekends and comfy stay-at-home weekends High spec gadgets and analog treasures

Are you patient and mature enough to teach me what you know? Are you interested in learning and trying new things? Will you not be offended when I kick butt at something you are not so good at? Do you have a good sense of humor? And good hygiene 😉


  • 69
  • Alusvaatteet
  • Dogging
  • Hieronta
  • Iso penis
  • Kokeileva
  • Käsiraudat
  • Lihakset
  • Pitkä esileikki
  • Silmien sitominen
  • Suuteleminen
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